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About the Company

VÚB Operating Leasing, a.s., is a company providing operational leasing services. As a 100% subsidiary of VÚB Bank, it is a member of Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the most important financial groups in the Eurozone.

We offer comprehensive operational leasing services tailored to the personal requirements and preferences of our clients, who can include legal entities, sole proprietors, as well as individuals – non-entrepreneurs.

We provide our clients with:

  • comprehensive processes, procedures, and services,
  • high-quality, fast, and straightforward service models,
  • individualized approaches,
  • simple and convenient repayment options,
  • expert advice in operational leasing,
  • availability through our nationwide business network,
  • and the possibility to contact us through any retail branch or corporate business center of VÚB Bank across Slovakia.

 Company History

VÚB Operating Leasing, a.s. was established in 2021 to take over and further develop the operational leasing portfolio of VÚB Leasing, a.s., which was integrated into its parent company, VÚB Bank, as of January 1, 2022.

The purpose of the integration of VÚB Leasing into its parent company was to develop and streamline the activities and services provided by VÚB Leasing, a.s. However, due to legislative reasons, operational leasing services could not be part of the integration and were therefore transferred to VÚB Operating Leasing, a.s.

As of January 1, 2022, VÚB Operating Leasing, a.s. became the legal successor of VÚB Leasing, a.s. in all legal relationships related to operational leasing.

Company Leadership

Board of Directors:
Ing. Ivona Bobkovičová – Chairperson of the Board
Ing. Marian Bonk – Member of the Board
Branislav Riška, MBA – Member of the Board

Supervisory Board:
Ing. Andrej Viceník, MBA
Ing. Darina Kmeťová
Ing. Štefan Barna
Roberto Vercelli

The sole shareholder of VÚB Operating Leasing, a.s. is Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s., which owns 100% of the shares.

Share capital: EUR 25,000
Company established: September 30, 2021