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Cookies Policy at VUB Leasing, a.s.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent to and stored on your computer, smartphone, or other electronic device that you use to access the internet. They are designed to allow the website you visit to recognise your end user device or terminal, and/or to enable you to use the website and its features and settings more effectively.

What types of cookies do we use?

Technical cookies

These cookies are necessary to ensure the functioning of our website, and can also be used in a similar fashion to store your browsing options and to improve your browsing experience. This includes, for example, the storage of information regarding your website language and currency preferences, as well as cookies that allow us to obtain aggregate and anonymous statistics on the use of the website.

Pursuant to Section 55 par. 5 of Act No. 351/2011 Coll., On Electronic Communications, your prior consent is not required to store such cookies on your device. The storage of such cookies directly on our website cannot be refused. Pursuant to Section 55 par. 5 of Act No. 351/2011 Coll., On Electronic Communications, your prior consent is not required to store such cookies on your device. The storage of such cookies directly on our website cannot be refused.

Statistical cookies

At VUB, a.s. we also use cookies to tailor the content of our website to your preferences in order to provide relevant content. The storage of these cookies also allows us to obtain information about how our website is being used, how the site works when used by visitors, and how we can further improve overall visitor experience to our website.

VÚB, a.s. does not use the data obtained from storing cookies to contact you by post, e-mail, telephone, or other manner. We may use cookies to introduce you to the content of our website that we believe could be of interest to you, but only in connection with VÚB, a.s. products or other products sold directly through VÚB, a.s.

The storage of analytical and advertising cookies on your device is only possible on the basis of your prior consent in accordance with Section 55 par. 5 of Act No. 351/2011 Coll., On Electronic Communications. We obtain your consent for the use of such cookies in the cookies window on our website. In accordance with Section 55 par. 5 of Act No. 351/2011 Coll., On Electronic Communications, your current web browser settings can also be considered as a form of consent granting us permission to use cookies for our website.

The use of cookies and their authorisation on our website or via your web browser is therefore at your free will. But please note that if you change your cookie settings, the functionality of some of pages on our website may be limited and your user comfort may be reduced.

Google Analytics

Štatistické údaje zbierané v anonymnej podobe, ktoré sa používajú na vytváranie reportov o používaní našich webových stránok.

Doba trvania: 10 minút až 2 roky a session
Tretia strana: Áno
Typ: http

Marketing cookies

Marketingové cookies sú používané pre sledovanie návštevníkov na webových stránkach. Zámerom je zobraziť reklamu, ktorá je relevantná a zaujímavá pre jednotlivého používateľa a týmto hodnotnejšie pre vydavateľov a inzerentov tretích strán.


Why do we use cookies?

At VÚB, a.s. we use cookies for various purposes. These include ascertaining your user preferences, helping you navigate through each page of our website, verifying your identity, and (if necessary) securing our website.

The cookies used by VÚB, a.s. are safe. Many are designed to provide the required and necessary security to protect your data and accounts.

VÚB, a.s. also uses cookies to ensure the most convenient and efficient use of its website. The cookies used by VÚB, a.s. enable you to log into the website (such as your internet banking or when buying online goods and services) and enable us to recall and maintain your user preferences regarding browsing data on the website. This includes your language settings, a list of select exchange rates for generating a currency table, the automatic display of your last viewed page on our site for your next visit, and even the use of financial applications to calculate interest, instalments, etc.